Ruardean Acorns
Ruardean Acorns

Meet our staff

Ruardean Acorns staff. Staff attend a variety of training throughout the year, please see 'staff training' in the documents section, or click here.

Name: Kelly Frowen, Cert EYP
Qualification: Certificate in Early Years Practice - Level 4

SENCo Level 3 Award and Certificate.
Trained in: Child Protection (DSL), First Aid, Food Hygiene, Emotion Coaching, Send/Sendco Training,  Understanding Trauma, Safer recruitment, Birth to Five, Child Behaviour, Childrens Mental Health, Safer Recruitment, EYFS 2021, Leadership and Management, Prevent Duty and British Values.
Role: Early Years Manager, SEN Lead, Financial Admin.

Started at Ruardean Acorns: 2004
Other responsibilities: Behaviour, Code of Conduct, Health and Safety, Privacy notice, Record retention, Safeguarding, Safer Recruitment, SEND, DSL

Supporting the other staff and over seeing their roles. 


Hobbies and other Information: Kelly has 3 children of her own which are aged 13 years , 6 years and also a 4 year old (2 sons and a daughter). She has lots of experience in Early Years and has been working with children aged 2-5 for the past 24 years.

Kelly enjoys time with her Family and Friends when she has the time :).

Kelly has attended a Top Start physical training course which helps the children to become active and enjoy physical exercise in a fun way. She plans additional activities both indoors and outdoors to support children's physical development using a variety on materials and equipment.

Kelly oversees the day to day running of Ruardean Acorns, completes all the paperwork, risk assessments, billing, banking and finances while maintain safeguarding at all times.

Kelly became Manager in April 2019 after returning from maternity leave however Kelly did work very closely with the previous manager for many years before taking on the role herself stepping up from Deputy. 

Name: Christine Wilce, Cert EYP
Qualification: Certificate in Early Years Practice - Level 4
Trained in: Child Protection (DSL), First Aid, Food Hygiene, Emotion Coaching, Understanding Trauma, Biting in Early Years, Inclusion Equality and Diversity, EYFS 2021, Leadership and Management, Prevent Duty and British Values.
Role: Early Years Deputy 
Started at Ruardean Acorns: 2005
Other responsibilities: ENCO, Equality and diversity, working with the manager with SEND, supporting her key children, doing observations and working towards their next steps aswell as supporting independance and maintain safeguarding at all times. Christine is also a DSL when Kelly is off.


Hobbies and other Information: Christine likes looking after her daughters dog. Christine has 2 grown up daughters and is now a Grandma. Christine also loves looking after and spending time with her granddaughters whenever she can when not at work. Christine has lots of experience in Early Years and has been working with children aged 2-5 for 17 years.

Christine really enjoys outdoor activities. She has attended Forest School training and ensures all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are covered during weekly Forest School sessions. Christine encourages the children to explore the outside using all their senses and also develop new stills such as Den making.

Since April 2019 Christine has become Deputy Manager and has been working closely with the manager whilst gaining new skills.



Name: Stella Tofari
Qualification: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools -  Level 3
Trained in: Emotion Coaching 
Role: Supply cover if needed. 

Started at Ruardean Acorns: 2010
Other responsibilities: Taking minutes at staff meetings, Supporting key children, doing observations and supporting their next steps and promoting independance.


Hobbies and other Information: Stella has been working with children aged 2-11 over the past 11 years, she has knowledge of the EYFS and enjoys working with children aged 2-5 yrs. Stella likes to walk her dog and look after her cat in her spare time. Stella has a 22 year old Son who has recently Graduated from Oxford Brookes.

Stella enjoys creative activities on a small and large scale. She supports children’s learning and development both indoors and outdoors with a wide range of activities.

Stella has many years experience in working with accounts and does this as a many job outside of Acorns. 


Name: Jackie Craig
Trained in: First Aid
Role: Supply cover if needed. 

Started at Ruardean Acorns: September 2019
Other responsibilities:  to support the children in the day to day routine and promote independance.

Hobbies and other Information: Jackie is very creative and loves arts and crafts, She likes to look after her Grandson and in her spare time she enjoys meals/days out with her Husband Paddy and their family.

Name: Lily Brownson
Qualification: Working towards level 3 
Trained in: First Aid, Food Hygiene, Child Protection
Role: Early Years Appentice

Started at Ruardean Acorns: September 2024
Other responsibilities: Support children with their day to day learning and independance. To support the deputy with activities and 

Hobbies and other Information: Lily started babysitting at the age of 16 which led to nannying of a small family. Lily decided to further her career by becoming an apprentice and is working towards her level 3. She enjoys spending time with family and friends and going on holiday.

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